- Avoid To be verbs
- Oxford comma
- Punctuation: https://youtu.be/zVu-XvULZNg?si=STS5lYDIdmyosjXl
- https://writing.chalmers.se/chalmers-writing-centre/resources/grammar-and-usage/
From https://gwern.net/about
So this suggests a solution: never start. Merely have perpetual drafts, which one tweaks from time to time. And the rest takes care of itself. I have a few examples of this
To the extent I personally have any method for ‘getting started’ on writing something, it’s to pay attention to anytime you find yourself thinking, “how irritating that there’s no good webpage/Wikipedia article on X” or “I wonder if Y” or “has anyone done Z” or “huh, I just realized that A!” or “this is the third time I’ve had to explain this, jeez.”
Henrik Karlsson - How I write essays
- My Notes on Writing Process
- What to read to become a better writer from The Economist
- A sense of Style - Stephen Pinker
- Youtube - the craft of writing effectively